Check your knowledge of American English vowel sounds by taking this test

In the chart below, read the words in each line.  Decide which word (A, B, C, or D) is pronounced with a different vowel sound from the other three words.  If you think that all four words are pronounced the same, write the letter ‘E” as your choice.  The correct answers are at the bottom. 

This test is not as easy as it seems.  If you get 12 or more right, your pronunciation of American vowels is very good. 

If not, you can get help from a good online dictionary that has an audio component, or you can ask your native speaker friends to help you pronounce those words and record their pronunciation to listen and practice later.  

Want faster results? Get my video on The American Vowel Sounds in Detail which will teach you the correct pronunciation and mouth movement of all of the 15 vowel sounds of American English.

(answers are at the bottom)
1- food foot mood moon same
2- cookie look put wool same
3- would should boost pull same
4- most post toast cost same
5- said head dead bed same
6- no sew flow Joe same
7- bean been seen scene same
8- does what come up same
9- none done nun fun same
10- sail sale ate eight same
11- call coal role roll same
12- was what won watt same
13- hurt work burn world same
14- were where bear pair same
15- bone done none one same
answer key:
1. B,  2. same,  3.C,  4.D,   5. same,   6.same,  7. B,   8. same,  9.same,  10. same,  11. A,  12, D,   13. same,  14. A, 15. A
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