15 Reasons For Taking Accent Reduction Courses

15 Reasons For Taking Accent Reduction Courses

  I often meet students who feel that their foreign accent holds them back and even prevents them from feeling confident when they are communicating with native English speakers. We expect that the main challenges involved in learning a new language are things...
How to Pronounce the word THE  – three rules

How to Pronounce the word THE – three rules

Learn the two different ways to pronounce the article “the”. Sometimes we pronounce it as “thee” with a long /i/ sound. Learn the rules in this video. But first, make sure that you can correctly pronounce the TH sound. Lightly touch your upper...
Accent Reduction – Difficult American Vowel Sounds

Accent Reduction – Difficult American Vowel Sounds

One of the most difficult things about learning to speak with an American accent is knowing how to correctly pronounce different vowel sounds that may sound similar to you. Here are some very common mistakes that my accent reduction students make: Do you know the...
English Vowels – Pronunciation Test

English Vowels – Pronunciation Test

Check your knowledge of American English vowel sounds by taking this test In the chart below, read the words in each line.  Decide which word (A, B, C, or D) is pronounced with a different vowel sound from the other three words.  If you think that all four words are...

Speak English with a more powerful voice

A lot of my students struggle with various voice issues. All of these issues can prevent you from speaking English clearly and may make your foreign accent even stronger. For example: Speaking too fast Speaking with a weak voice Breathing incorrectly Mumbling (not...