Lisa’s Blog

Tips, insights, and updates

Don’t Give Up!

How is this about accent reduction? Well, I believe that any time we have a goal, sometimes we will feel like giving up. I try to encourage all of my students to keep trying, to follow their dreams. It brings me much joy to see them succeed. Some are Hollywood actors...

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Most Common English Words

Below is a link to a list of the 100 most common English words. These 100 words make up about one half of all written material. Learn to pronounce them perfectly and your accent will sound much better!!Here are some from the list that are very commonly mispronounced...

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pronunciation of the article “a”

Many accent students are confused about the correct pronunciation of the article "a." Why do some people say /ei/? You can pronounce it both ways, either as /ɘ/ or as /ei/. It just depends on how quickly you are speaking and whether you pause before the "a." /ei/ is...

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Don’t Stop Practicing

“Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their champion character.” T Alan Armstrong. The above quote inspires me...

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Listen to Famous Speeches for Practicing your Accent

A wonderful way to work on improving your accent is to listen to famous speeches. I found this great website which contains hundreds of famous speeches. You can hear the audio and sometimes see the video of the speech. The best part is that each speech has a...

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pronuncation of “TH” + “S”

Paolo asked the following question:I bought a copy of your dvds.. you mentioned that sometimes the "th sound" is silent, in words such as: "months" or "clothes" so that months sounds like mons am i right? and clothes should sound like close.. but there are also other...

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10 Tips for Public Speaking

Make a New Year's resolution to improve your speaking skills. I recommend that you join Toastmasters. Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of meeting...

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Accent Reduction Practice with Audio Books – part 2

A reader of my blog asked the following question:Hi Lisa, My name is George, I just read your blog, could you please recommend me which audio book is better for learning English? Could you please give me some names of these audio books? I appreciate...

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